The Story Behind The Poem
The Story Behind the Poem is a collection of poems dealing with everything from the joys of motherhood to the pain of losing a baby to the realities of marriage.
Through moving, relatable, and sometimes comical poetry, women can find support and reassurance that they are not alone.
The poems are paired with personal pictures, creating the feel of a cherished family photo album.

“QVC’s Amy Oselkin’s New Book Is A Must-Read” – Main Line Tonight
An excerpt from The Story Behind the Poem:
The Dishes and the Laundry Can Wait
May 2018

The dishes and the laundry can wait
Because before I know it, you’re gonna graduate
You’ll be crossing that stage and I’ll be sitting in the bleachers
Crying and clapping with other parents and teachers
Days like today will slip away too soon. I know they will
So I’m just gonna hold you and rock you and beg time to stand still
Please understand, I want you to grow and be the man you are destined to
But for today you are my precious baby and I’m going to spoil you
So the phone can keep ringing and toys can be all over the place
Because all I’m meant to do right now is memorize your tiny face
The love I have for you is beyond compare
It started as a seed and now it’s blossomed everywhere
I’m so grateful for these golden afternoons just cradling you in my lap
And watching you as you slowly wake up from your nap
These moments are all priceless treasures to me
That I’ll cherish forever as I watch along your journey.
Story behind the poem
I wrote this poem when Owen was six months old. My friend Liana called me to tell me her daughter was graduating from high school this week and she was planning a graduation party. As we were talking, I was watching Owen rolling around on the floor and then it struck me that in a blink of an eye he would be all grown up. I looked around the house and instead of cleaning up or answering emails, I just scooped him up and held him tight. It was a perfect day.